A church that fails to emphasize world missions has missed both the heart of Christ and his command to take the gospel everywhere (Mt 28:19-20). Jesus said your heart will be wherever you invest your money (Mt. 6:21). Cornerstone’s missions spending far exceeds any other ministry area. We give to mission organizations that share our values, and we support missionaries who are doing evangelism and discipleship in other parts of the world.
Missions is our largest ministry budget, and, in addition, we often give special offerings to mission organizations.
Rosemary Khamati - PEACE International
For the past fifty years, South Sudan has been ravaged by wars that have killed more than 2.5 million civilians and destroyed communities. Adult literacy is the lowest in the world and 1 in 5 children never reach the age of 5. Many organizations have looked to help this region in the form of handouts and supplements, however, it has only supported a system of dependence and poverty for the South Sudanese people. PEACE International was established in 2002 to help break the vicious cycle of war and poverty through the education and empowerment of its people. Kenyan Rosemary Khamati is the director of PEACE International. We provide monthly support for Rosemary’s salary as well as providing funds for the PEACE International school in Uganda.
Jonathan and Janie - CoServe International
(Picture and other details omitted for security reasons.)
Jonathan and Janie work with organizations in various countries developing leaders and helping with team building. Cornerstone provides monthly support for Jonathan and Janie. Contact the church office for more information.
Christian and Blanca Maureira - Martin Bucer Seminary, Chile
Children: Santiago, Augustin, Anna
Maureiras were the first missionaries Cornerstone supported in 2004. Originally they were on staff with CRU but the more they observed the church in Latin America the more the saw the need for theologically-trained pastors. Christian and Blanca moved to Brazil, where Christian completed his advanced theological studies, and then to Chile, Christian’s home country. Christian currently serves as President of Chile’s Martin Bucer Seminary, established in 2021.
Here’s a video message form Maureira’s.
David and Karen DeGraaf - Wycliffe Bible Translators, Africa
Karen, who got her counseling degree from Western Seminary in Portland, trains staff in trauma counseling as well as doing counseling herself. David works with African Bible translation teams (primarily in francophone Africa) to expedite translation and publishing of the scriptures into the heart languages of indigenous people. DeGraafs live in West Africa.
Steve and Tanja Brown- InterVarsity Link, Serbia.
Steve and Tanja serve with InterVarsity Link (part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)They have served God together in Serbia since 2006, sharing the Gospel and equipping young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission. The Browns live in one of the country’s largest cities, reaching out to Serbian college students in Jesus’ name, both on and off campus. Their vision is to see Serbian people giving their lives to Jesus (evangelism), growing in their walk with Him (discipleship), and sharing their love for God with all those around them!
We support and work closely with NOE International, in Mexico sending teams throughout the year and hosting Mexican students coming to Portland.